Thursday, June 3, 2010

"Farm Pond Pines" #1 of 10 at Great Brook Farm

"Farm Pond Pines"
6"x6" oil on canvas panel

I've been scouting out places near me to paint on the way to and from work. Great Brook Farm State Park in Carlisle, MA is very appealing. Remember the geese from last week? They were only a few feet from me as I painted this yesterday evening. The sun was setting and gave some great shadows before going behind the trees and leaving me to complete the painting from memory.

I like Great Brook Farm so much that I think I will do a series here. No promises as to how long it will take, to post every day, or to only paint here until it's done, but I will tentatively call this #1 of 10. Can I really think of 10 different scenes? I'm not sure, but inspired by Liz Wiltzen and others who set a series task for the themselves, I'm going for it. If I am as happy with all of them as I am with this one, it will be really fun, and I know I'll learn a lot.


  1. Good for you Bobbi! You will have no problem coming up with 10 paintings. Sometimes if you just sit for 5 or 10 minutes the painting will find you...

  2. Lovely feel of New England in your paintings, I'm sure 10 will come to you... Phyllis
